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Preparing Migrations & Models

Revisor can be added to your Models in two simple steps:

  1. Prepare Database Migrations
  2. Prepare Models

1. Prepare Database Migrations

Revisor operates on 3 tables (draft, published, versions) per Model. Fear not! Revisor makes managing migrations for these just as easy as standard migrations.

Let's generate a new migration and take a look...

php artisan make:migration

Generating New Revisor Tables

Below is an example migration that creates database tables for a revisor-enabled Page model

use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Indra\Revisor\Facades\Revisor;

return new class extends Migration
    public function up(): void
        Revisor::createTableSchemas('pages', function (Blueprint $table) {

Run you migration as usual with:

php artisan migrate

When the migration runs, Revisor::createTableSchemas will use the baseTable "pages" given as the first argument to create all 3 pages_drafts, pages_versions and pages_published tables. As with regular Laravel migrations, the closure passed in the second argument will be used to build the table schemas according to your needs.

Revisor Table Columns

Revisor's createTableSchemas method will add the following extra columns to your tables:

publishernullableMorphsUser who published the record
published_attimestampWhen the record was published
is_publishedbooleanWhether the record is published
is_currentbooleanWhether the record is the current version
version_numberunsignedIntegerSequential version number
record_idforeignKeyid of draft/published record (versions table only)

Amending Existing Revisor Tables

Modifying existing Revisor table schemas can be done in much the same way as creating new ones. This time we'll the amendTableSchemas method on the Revisor Facade:

use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Indra\Revisor\Facades\Revisor;

return new class extends Migration
    public function up(): void
        Revisor::amendTableSchemas('pages', function (Blueprint $table) {

Run you migrations as usual with:

php artisan migrate

Review the generated database schema in your favourite DB tool to familiarise yourself with the Revisor database schema.

Retrofitting Existing Models/Tables

If you are needing to add Revisor to Models in your application that already have production data stored, we recommend following the steps in #generating-new-revisor-tables, and then importing the data from the old single table into the new Draft and Published tables.

2. Prepare Models

Adding Revisor to your Models is as simple as implementing the HasRevisor Interface and Trait.


You can define a $baseTable property in place of the usual $table property, for cases where your desired table name is not what Laravel would otherwise assume based on your Model class name.

This should leave your Model looking something like this:

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Indra\Revisor\Concerns\HasRevisor;
use Indra\Revisor\Contracts\HasRevisor as HasRevisorContract;

class Page extends Model implements HasRevisorContract
    use HasRevisor;

    protected string $baseTable = 'pages';
