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Laravel Revisor is a robust draft, versioning and publishing system for Laravel Eloquent Models.

✅ Separate, complete database tables for draft, published and version history records of each Model

✅ Migration API for easily creating/modifying draft, published and version history tables

✅ Easy context management for setting the appropriate reading/writing "mode" at all levels of operation, from global config, to middleware, mode callbacks and query builder.

✅ Clean, flexible API for drafting, publishing and version management

✅ High configurability and excellent documentation






Base table


Install the package via composer:

composer require indra/laravel-revisor


Publish the package configuration to your application:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="laravel-revisor-config"

The following configurations will then be available in you app in config/revisor.php

return [
    // The default mode determines which table will be read/written to by default
    // The RevisorContext enum is used to define the possible values for this
    // which are `Draft`, `Version` and `Published`
    'default_context' => RevisorContext::Published,

    // The table suffixes are used to define the table names for each mode
    // The keys are the values of the RevisorContext enum
    // The values are the table suffixes
    'table_suffixes' => [
        RevisorContext::Draft->value => '_drafts',
        RevisorContext::Version->value => '_versions',
        RevisorContext::Published->value => '_published',

    // The publishing config is used to determine the default publishing behaviour,
    'publishing' => [
        // If true, records will be automatically published on created
        'publish_on_created' => false,
        // If true, records will be automatically published on updated
        'publish_on_updated' => false,

    // The publishing config is used to determine the default versioning behaviour,
    'versioning' => [
        // If true, new version records will be automatically created when drafts are created
        'save_new_version_on_created' => true,
        // If true, new version records will be automatically created when drafts are updated
        'save_new_version_on_updated' => true,
        // The maximum number of versions to keep
        // if set to true, version records will not be pruned
        'keep_versions' => 10,


1. Write your Migrations

Revisor operates on 3 tables (draft, published, versions) per model and provides convenient methods for applying and synchronising migrations across these tables.

Creating New Tables

Below is an example migration that creates database tables for a revisor-enabled Page model

use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Indra\Revisor\Facades\Revisor;

return new class extends Migration
    public function up(): void
        Revisor::createTableSchemas('pages', function (Blueprint $table) {

The Revisor::createTableSchemas will use the baseTableName given as the first argument to create all 3 page_drafts, page_versions and page_published tables. As with regular Laravel migrations, the callback passed in the second argument will be used to build the table schemas according to your needs.

Revisor will also add the following extra columns to your tables for as follows:

publishernullableMorphsUser who published the record
published_attimestampWhen the record was published
is_publishedbooleanWhether the record is published
is_currentbooleanWhether the record is the current version
version_numberunsignedIntegerSequential version number
record_idforeignKeyid of draft/published record (versions table only)

Amending Existing Tables

Amending/modifying table schemas can be done in much the same way as creating new ones, by using the amendTableSchemas method on the Revisor Facade:

use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Indra\Revisor\Facades\Revisor;

return new class extends Migration
    public function up(): void
        Revisor::amendTableSchemas('pages', function (Blueprint $table) {

Run you migrations as usual with:

php artisan migrate

Review the generated database schema in your favourite UI to familiarise yourself.

2. Set up your Models

Revisor enabled Models require the HasRevisor trait and the HasRevisor interface.

Additionally, a protected $baseTable property can be defined in place of the optional $table property sometimes defined on Eloquent Models. This allows the Model's $table property to be defined dynamically by this package, depending on which of the draft/published/versions tables you want to read/write.

namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Indra\Revisor\Concerns\HasRevisor;
use Indra\Revisor\Contracts\HasRevisor as HasRevisorContract;

class Page extends Model implements HasRevisorContract
    use HasRevisor;

    protected string $baseTable = 'pages';



About Modes

Global Config


Interacting with Revisor Records

Creating a draft


  - Hooks
- Versioning
  - Creating versions
  - Updating versions
  - Reverting to versions
  - Pruning versions
  - Hooks__