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Managing Context

The RevisorContext determines which of your Model's tables are read/written to at any given time.

In practice, assuming you have a Page Revisor Model, the following RevisorContexts, when activated will result in your Models querying the following tables:

Revisor ContextTable Name


All examples below are in the context of RevisorContext::Draft, and a Revisor-enabled Page Model

Setting the Active Context

There are multiple levels at which you may want to set the active RevisorContext. They are listed below in order of precedence.

1. Global Default, via Config


By default, Revisor will use the RevisorContext::Published mode. This is recommended for most use cases, to avoid unintentionally exposing draft records.

// config/revisor.php
'default_context' => RevisorContext::Draft,
// this will query the pages_drafts table
$page = Page::first();

2. Global Config Override, via Laravel Context

Revisor makes use of Laravel's Context Management capabilities to allow you to override the above Global Default RevisorContext whenever required, as well as offering visibility of the active RevisorContext in logs and error pages.

Setting / getting the active RevisorContext is best done through the setContext and getContext methods on the Revisor Facade.

use Indra\Revisor\Facades\Revisor;


// this will query the pages_published table

$page = Page::first();

3. Local Override via Closures

To override both the above Global RevisorContexts inside a Closure, use the withPublishedContext, withDraftContext or withVersionContext method on the Revisor facade.

use Indra\Revisor\Facades\Revisor;

Revisor::withPublishedContext(function () {
    // this will query the pages_published table
    $page = Page::first(); 


Under the hood, this temporarily sets the RevisorContext in Laravel's Context Store, returning it to the previous RevisorContext after the closure has been executed.

4. Local Override on the Model / Query Builder via Scopes

Setting the RevisorContext on a Model or Query will override all other activated RevisorContext, for that Model or Builder instance. This can be achieved by using the Local Query Scope methods withDraftContext, withPublishedContext or withVersionContext on your Model or Query Builder.

Revisor::withPublishedContext(function() {
    $page = Page::withDraftContext()->first(); 


Revisor provides 3 Middleware Classes to help you set the RevisorContext on specific Routes or Route Groups.


Useful for routes that should primarily be used for editing Draft records

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Indra\Revisor\Middleware\DraftMiddleware;

Route::group('/admin', function () {


Similar to DraftMiddleware but only activates RevisorContext::Draft if the Request contains a ?draft query parameter. This is useful for optionally enabling Draft mode on a Route/Group ie. when allowing users to preview a draft record.


Similar to DraftMiddleware but for Published Records. Useful if your config sets the default mode to RevisorContext::Draft